
Saturday, February 20, 2010

A tip on deciding where to advertise

So, you've just heard a great presentation from an advertising sales rep. Before you sign on the dotted line, a great idea is to call some of the advertisers that are in the publication at random, and tell them that you are thinking about advertising with this publication. Ask how it is working for them, and if they are seeing results. Ask how long they have been with that company, and if the customer service is good, and if the publication is reliable.

Be sure though that YOU are the one that chooses who to call (not who the advertising company suggests), because you want an unbiased opinion. Many times I have left a copy of Chapel Hill News & Views with a potential advertiser and said "Feel free to call any of the businesses that have ads in here and ask them how it is working for them". Since we usually have around 300 ads, more often than not the person I am speaking with personally knows one of our advertisers. This series of calls could save you from making a mistake with your hard earned advertising dollars. Be sure to call at least four or five businesses so you can get a good sample. If they all say it works well, you can feel pretty comfortable advertising with this company.

It's also a good idea to ask some of your friends that own businesses where they would recommend you advertising. They will give you an unbiased opinion. Keep in mind though that some advertising will work well for one kind of business, but not as well for another.

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